
Driving in the dark safety tips

Posted on 04 December, 2023

Vehicle driving in dark snowy conditions

It's that time of the year, where we wake up to go to the work in the dark, and we finish work and come home in the dark. Can you relate? So how do we make sure that every trip we make in the dark is a safe trip?

As humans, who finance humans we care heavily for our customers always driving safe on the roads. So, we have put together our top tips on driving safely in the dark.

Study the road ahead

  1. Avoid staring at oncoming vehicles: The glare can temporarily impair your vision.
  2. Distance: You should pay special attention to the distance between you and other vehicles.
  3. Use your lights: check that your lights are clear and turned on. It's illegal to drive at night without properly functioning lights.
  4. Eye tests: If you're experiencing problems with your vision, then you should get your eyes tested.
  5. Study the road ahead:
    • Be prepared for obstructions in the road.
    • Be aware of traffic situations ahead.
    • Be willing to yield your right of way to prevent accidents or incidents
    • Be particularly cautious when approaching junctions, roundabouts or sharp bends.
    • Adjust your driving for specific hazards e.g. weather, lighting.
    • Be aware of the added danger brought on by your own emotions such as anger or worry.

Winter time driving

  1. When you have found out how slippery the road is, adjust your speed.
  2. Clean all the snow or ice off your windscreen, mirrors and reflectors and keep them clean for each journey.
  3. Tyres with good tread are essential for handling on slippery roads.
  4. Occasionally try out your brakes or gently reduce your accelerator while driving.
  5. Check window wipers.
  6. Winter surfaces increase stopping distances 3 - 12 times.
  7. Brake in advance of any bends in the road.

Don't forget to pack your vehicle essentials this winter!

  1. Ice scraper
  2. Phone charger / cable
  3. Fully stocked first aid kit
  4. Torch
  5. Warm blanket.

And Finally!

When feeling drowsy whilst driving, you must always take a break. Take a 15 minute break every two hours of continuous driving.

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